Its very rare (so rare, I can’t even think of an actual time) that I have walked away from a photo shoot and not feel satisfied after capturing children and their innocence. For me, in some ways they are easier than adults because they have nothing to hide if approached right. The trick is finding that sweet spot, that spot that will open up to a giggle, or a tender moment that can only be seen usually for a split second.
I remember photographing my own kids before they “loved” the camera… that was a bit tricky, especially for my oldest, who getting to smile was like pulling teeth… and after each shoot I would be left sweating as if I just ran a marathon, but I walked away with my reward… the reward of capturing that golden stage before the next growth occurs. Don’t miss out on this time, its too precious!
Half Moon Bay, Ca
Roosevelt Beach, CA
Dunes Beach, CA
Pillar Point Harbor, CA